Sunday 5 April 2009

What Men Want?

As an alternative to the previous post i thought i would delve into this complex issue...What men want? I should start by clarifying that i am not interested for personal reasons but for sociological ones, despite a well countered smear campaign by members of my high school i am in fact straight!

But this doesn't mean that i should not ponder this question. I have the valuable insight of having a number of close male friends who dont mind me filming their regular activities! One of such makes no sense:

As you can see, Men are easily pleased. Laughter fills the air when women are not around. Maybe this is the number one thing that Men look for. A girl who can share in these precious moments, these moments where there is no poverty, hatred or evil. Where all Humans are equal in laughter and bullying.

But how do you find these girls?

My friends believe there is an ultimate test....ask the lady in question; "If you can have any extra body part, what would it be and why?".

Obviously, Men can tell a lot about a girl by the reply. Although, what this is depends on the girl, the answer and the guy.

Adam's favourite response?! (Let me say now its worth watching till the end!)


Men want anything, Women don't know what they want. Simple. :S



  1. Where can i get a backstage pass to see the 3rd nipple??

  2. Im sure if you ask nicely he will let you....


  3. I'd ask him very nicely ;)

  4. I didnt realise 3rd nipples were so attractive to women!?

    Only goes to back up my point further i suppose!


  5. ps. Rhian, is it? Do you not mind he has chest crabs?!


  6. Felix Barningstone MBE6 April 2009 at 21:34

    To, Rhian,

    I do say, this is a rather tasty conversation. I once suffered from Phthirus pubis in my nostril hair, nasty bit of work that was, had to flush them out.

    If i could have an extra body part, i think it would be an extra supraspinatous tendon in both my right and left shoulders, how about you Rhian?


    p.s. Rhian is such a charming name, where does it originate from? xxxx

  7. Back off Felix, i think Rhian wants a piece of me lol.And could you clarify what a supraspinatus tendon is, and what the difference between that is and the actual supraspinatus?

    Love always, Dick

  8. Felix Barningstone MBE7 April 2009 at 14:50

    Richard, i really don't think you can compete with my charm and wealth, which i presume is why you put 'lol' at the end of that sentence.

    In relation to your question about the supraspinatus tendon, it is a relatively small muscle of the upper limb that takes its name from its origin from the supraspinous fossa superior to the spine of the scapula. It is one of the four rotator cuff muscles and also abducts the arm at the shoulder. The spine of the scapula separates the supraspinatus muscle from the infraspinatus muscle, which originates below the spine.

    I hope this clarifies the matter.


  9. Thank you very much for your interest Dick and Felix, but there's only one person on this page i'd like to get up close and personal with ;)

    Chest hair crabs or no chest hair craps ;)

    Rhian x

  10. Rhian,

    I am very sorry to hear that, i hope this being they called Adam makes you very happy.

    I have remained largely a mystery since following TO's blog, and will now be writing my own thoughts on my new blog

    Please feel free to visit and comment.


  11. Just so you know Rhian, the being called Dick is the same as the being called Adam. Adam being his human name and Dick Whittington being his blogname!

