Sunday 14 June 2009

Potentially Dangerous

Forgive me as this is a quick post before i head on out to catch a movie, inspiration struck.

I want to steal a quote from a friend of mine called Coops.

"It doesn't matter what you do, or where you are going; who you've been, or who you want to become, as long as you are what you are because you chose to be that way and you always stayed true to what you believe. As long as you spent your days chasing after moments that take your breath away then you've not wasted this life you were given."

I read this last night and it literally made me feel something. I think that this segment is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read on the internet, and her modesty only makes it more appealing.

This got me thinking of the potential we all have to move and affect people all around us; positively and negatively. I think we all take for granted just how much of an impact we make on the social environment around us. Some because they lack the confidence to say and act how they truly feel. Some fear the reprisal of the actions. And some simply don't want to interact.

This does not change the fact that we impact each other in thousands of ways everyday. From the man in the shop you say thank you, never knowing that made his day. From the girl you smile at that special way, never realising how she feels about you. To the hurtful thing you say to the one you care for, never realising the pain.

Words are just my medium. There are many ways in which to express emotions and affect those around you.

Dance. Song. Speech. Sport. Poetry. Story-Telling. Writing.

I urge you all to think about what you have to offer this world, and utilise that feeling. Somebody cares, and somebody will watch or listen. This era of social networking is the perfect environment to find like minded individuals who make you feel valued and help build an identity for yourself.

"To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth... is potentially to have everything"
Joan Didion



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