Friday 26 June 2009

Turblent Thursday

Last night while at my local nightclub haunt everyone caught news of Michael Jackson's passing and instantly went into mourning. Firstly, i don't really understand all the fuss myself but this was the same when Princess Diana died. I guess I don't really empathize with rich and famous people. In the toilets i had to argue with someone when I heard them saying "he was only 50, it just shows how precious life is"...I kindly pointed out that many thousands of non-famous people, a lot younger than that die everyday also.

I also woke up yesterday morning to find news that Farrah Fawcett had passed. I've never heard of her before and I can't say i shed a tear, but now i feel compelled to send her some love. R.I.P Farrah, you must be really mad up there that when the day of judgment arrived, MJ had to take your shine.

On a serious note, I played basketball yesterday too....but nodoby cares about that with all this MJ news :(

R.I.P Michael Jackson. R.I.P Farrah Fawcett. R.I.P My Basketball 'Skills'.




  1. no wayyy that is a regulations size hoop haha

  2. haha at you showing you cut at the end, and im bad with my foot!

  3. At least i have proof! haha

