Well this is the first i wrote:
Well here i am, no fancy text, just my thoughts. which to be honest may be worth some in the future. i do one day wish to write a book of thoughts, but a more centralised publishing. at the moment however I do not know enough about a particular subject to advance further than the current knowledge so i'm going to stick to what I know the most - myself. these are my thoughts, they are not the truth nor do I profess them to be, these are just what floats around my head daily; while I wonder does anyone else ever think like this?
I'm not going into much detail about my views and im going to skim a few ideas. starting with the largest of today's issues:
Forgive my short sightedness but i am going to single out Christianity as I am not too "hot" on other religions and it is the religion is have fought with for so long. I once sent a text to a service that answers any question you have to ask, i asked the classic religion question, "if god exists, then why is there war in the world". The reply. Not only was i shocked and quite frankly angry at it, but i felt cheated. "God does not cause war, war is caused by the free will that God allows us". Now am i alone in thinking that there are so many things wrong with this statement. Firstly, if "God" gives us free will, then it is not FREE will. If religion allows us free will then surely it cannot be upset that the youth today seems to be exercising its right to it by rejecting being force fed beliefs. This is why i am grateful to live in a multicultural society as it now forces the government to cater for everyone and not just white christians. Secondly, if that "free will" is mine to do with as i wish then what control does "God" have? See i have a pessimistic view on religion that it was a tool created as a weapon to control people and as a form of coordinating decisions by the hierarchy. It is no coincidence that the Church is the richest institution in the world. Did "God" tell medieval knights to travel to the middle east and kill every Muslim man, woman and child they saw, after raping and pillaging them? If so, then that's a being i don't want anything to do with.
I do not purge people of their own views of religion, infact i believe that the encouragment to be a better person and the hope it can give people to be a good thing. However, it is not for me and i am yet to me a religious christian who will accept that.
Purpose of Life?
i will take the opening statement of a man called Christian de Duve (Biochemist, 1974 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine) when asked the same question;
"I should mention first that this is a loaded question, with several implications. A "purpose" pre-supposes a mind that conceived it, as well as the ability to implement it."
You create your own universe. The fact is that everything you do affects you and others, and how the person reacts to you affecting their universe in turn is them creating their own universe. Yes, other people can do things which will affect your life, but how you react is you creating your own universe. The only way that it can be affected without your control is life and death, which is why these things are so prestigeous. There is no such thing as luck or fate - just variables we are not aware of. Assuming that we know all the possible variants then we can make a full decision that is not luck. So being unlucky/lucky is simply being unaware; which happens to everyone everyday so there is no need for such a phrase. A Perfect example of this is snooker/pool. You can scientifically work out every single shot and where it should go, its just that most players are good enough to do this using their brains, therefore its not unlucky you missed. The classic " what if theres a bomb on a train" arguement has no standing either. You don't know theres a bomb on the train, thats the only reason you're on it, lack of information. Fate goes under the same principle. The way fate is interpreted implies that if you were "destined" to meet someone then you sitting still not moving would bring that about, but the fact is when you leave the house and go to a place etc, you are making a decision and therefore controlling your own fate.
The purpose of life is exactly what is says. LIFE. L.I.F.E. You are life, you create life, that creates life and so on. I am a darwinist. My genes survived millions of years from constant evolution and i will hopefully pass them onto my children. Therefore, the reason i am at university is to get a BETTER job, to earn a BETTER salary, to get a BETTER house, in a BETTER neighbour to give my children a BETTER life, and a BETTER chance to succeed so their children have BETTER lifes. This is why i am in awe of some tribes in Africa and South East Asia. They have methods for selecting plants and foraging that have been developed over thousands of years and that to me is the purpose of life in its simplest of forms. When some dies of eating that berry, you dont eat it, you tell your kids not to eat it and so on.
This brings me to the fact that i have an unerving urge to be great. Not just good, or OK but Great. I have a wish to be remembered. I want to be one of the people children learn about in school. I want my name to live on through the ages, so people can say i dated/went to school with/was friends with/am related to him. To make my mum proud, so she knows she did a good job by herself and that im taking her views and adapting them to make the world make sense to me.
Like i said at the start keep this in mind, it may be worth something - not just monetarily but i wish more that someone can read this and take something from it. Help them think about how they feel, let young people who feel like this know they are not alone and they are not different or unintelligent.
I will succeed. Because i have to. To Survive.