Anyway, something I've noticed of late.
Life, post 21 years of age, is like high school reversed. The people who spent their high school lives being adored by many and terrorising classmates, now find themselves (admittedly according to 'Facebook') desperately unhappy about something different everyday. That or pregnant.
Then, at the opposite side of the spectrum, you have the geeks of the playground. Due to years of subject to either bullying or social exclusion, these guys actually did some work at school and boy is it paying off! These guys are well on their way to the best graduate jobs, earning the top money and hell, even some of them have blossomed into a deadly combination of brains and beauty. That or they're funny. Everyone knows to be funny you have to be clever and odd looking.
Finally, you have the middle runners. These guys flirted with both sides of my spectrum, and which ever they spent most of their time will dictate their future.
Personally, I did pretty well out of it. I wish someone would have sat me down as said "TO, if you sacrifice ALL this, in the future, the power you will gain from being more intelligent than all of these people you know will make you very happy" I would have jumped even further in the geek sqaud.
Knowledge is power people.
hello,have a nice day