Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Best I Ever Had (I love...)

  • I love...the way your hair looks a mess but amazing at the same time.
  • I love...your body.
  • I love...your personality more.
  • I love...that feeling I get every time I see you for the first time that day.
  • I love...the way you don't care what people think.
  • I love...your silly faces.
  • I wide your eyes are.
  • I love...the fact we seem to say and think the same things at the exact same time.
  • I love...the fact your the best Ive ever had...literally.
  • I love...there's no drama unless its necessary.
  • I don't judge.
  • I went underneath to find out the real tom.
  • I love...that you make me a better person.
  • I love...the way you make me feel so good about myself.
  • I love...the fact you can make me like something i used to despise like Harry Potter/Twilight/Musicals.
  • I love...the fact you always play devils advocate and make me think.
  • I love...the fact YOUR DOG WANTS TO EAT ME.
  • I love...certain songs seem to make sense just because of you.
  • I love...the fact you don't eat anything but Nandos, toast and MacDonalds.
  • I can sit in my house while I go to football training and be there waiting with a smile when I come back dirty and tired.
  • I it feels to fall asleep with you in my arms.
  • I it feels Ive known you all my life.
  • I love...that you can change my mood instantly.
  • I you bite your tongue every time you get in my car and hear Hip-Hop.
  • I your proud to be with me.
  • I get goosebumps virtually every time I kiss you.
  • I love...that you don't mind sharing me with Ryan Reynolds.
  • I you make me feel 13 again.
  • I
Smile, enjoy us and the rest will follow.



Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Film Review: The Proposal

Most of my regular readers will know that i have an unhealthy desire to be Ryan Reynolds and have something of a man crush for him (

So, I entered this viewing with high expectations and I have to admit I was slightly disappointed.

The acting by Bullock and Reynolds is superb (especially the later, and thats without bias) they perform their roles perfectly and have great chemistry and comic timing on screen. There are some immensely funny moments in the film, but you can see them coming a mile off.

That tends to be a running theme, the script is entirely predictable from start to finish. This isn't always a problem but it makes it very difficult to make a good film this way as it has to be done perfectly well so the viewer isnt disappointed when they see what they were expecting.

There are no twists, in fact the opposite, they appear to build a potential twist only to discard the very idea. Which could be construed as a twist itself? Confused? I was also.

The film lacks substance, its quite an interesting idea but not enough to make a great film out of. That being said, it was enjoyably watchable and will be a hit for dating couples across the country. I'd have this film around 7.0/10.

Hopefully, Reynolds next piece of work will have a behind camera staff worthy of his talents.

Film Review: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I was slightly apprehensive about watching this film as I am out of touch with the series and stopped reading after the 5th book (which was a total struggle as far as keeping my attentions was concerned).

Nevertheless, swayed by the fact I was seeing the film at IMAX and the first few scenes being 3D I decided to jump on the Potter bandwagon.

The 3D scenes were incredible. They showed trailers for a up and coming animated remake of 'A Christmas Carol' starring Jim (I hate you) Carrey and it was simply amazing. Definitely the future of cinema. They have the ability to terrify audiences as they can make it appear the characters are touching you.

Very difficult to explain, but check it out. Although the glasses make you look ridiculous!

As for the actual film, I found some parts easy to remember from the books, but the general mood of the film is slightly lost if you haven't been keeping up and refreshed. There is relatively little action and when there is it somehow feels a little forced.

Maybe its just me but i can't help but burst out laughing when Dumbledore shouts "Get out your wand, Harry!".

There is also a sudden increase in the amount of love scenes in this film compared to the previous ones, to reflect the characters maturation towards adulthood. However, its all very tame as to appease those younger viewers, so like some other parts of the film, feels a little half hearted.

Harry Potter fans will enjoy it but it will be nobody's favourite. Never going to rock anyone's world but a nice way to spend 3 hours if theres very little on. I'd give the film a 7.2/10

Friday, 24 July 2009

Long Time No See

I don't know what I'm going to write about other than complain about the fact I haven't been posting much. Which is slightly ironic as the reason for lack of posting comes through the very fact I have little to complain about currently.

I guess you could say i'm content.

I may have found a job (its not 100% yet), I may have found a special person (it's not 100% there yet), I may have completed my second year of university at a higher standard than I predicted I would (not 100% finished). I may have earned a solid starting spot in my football team for the year (not 100% there get the theme).

I'm quietly confident about the rest of 2009.

No doubt some of these will go wrong and as always I will come plummeting down to earth, but its nice to feel floaty now and again.

Despite a few blips 2009 is continuing to be the best year of my life.



Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Film Review: Twilight

I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to this film, it took a lot of arm bending to get me to actually rent it, but i'm glad I did. Mostly out of jealous over the fact most of the female species seem to be in love with every male cast member, I seemed to feel contempt for Edward Cullen before ever seeing the character. Despite this, I even felt compassion for him, the story and the irresistible charm with which he demonstrates.

I'm not usually into these fairytale style fantasies but the story moves with pace and is highly absorbing. One ponders many questions and like any good film, these seem to be answered minutes after this original thought.

One can tell this film is a book adaptation as the main story is the strongest aspect. The cinematic sequences are quite impressive for a medium to low budget film, and the relatively unknown cast have shot to stardom for their acting skills equally to their perfect looks.

The script could have been improved upon and some of the effects seem to be slightly unimaginative and cheap, but this is forgivable when the characters are so believable.

I'd rate this film at 8.1/10, which is even more impressive when considering that I was hesitant about even entertaining the idea of watching the film. Definitely enjoyable for most.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Light Up The Dark

Last night was a strange place I don't think I ever wish to revisit. For once in my life I did not seem to be in control of my own actions.

I'm still feeling the effects of whatever caused this temporary insanity, but I can clearly see how dark and deranged I acted and typed.

I feel like the morning after the night before, yet I didn't drink alcohol. I am seriously assuming I was under the influence of some other drug without being aware of the fact. It is the only explanation as most people would describe me as having my head too firmly screwed on.

Life is strange, Love is a stranger.


Bring Light To Dark Places

*BEFORE READING, play this and then continue with the article, it's my only hope for anyone to imagine where i am RIGHT NOW*

This is FUCKING insane. I just drove home from Manchester at 2.00am. I am sober, I have been drinking red bull yet I can only describe it as how I'd imagine a line of coke to be like. I'm so fucked...but its a strange head fucking. Like a intense head fuck. Swearing is the only way i will be able to portray the state of mind right now. I feel completely drained of thought but completely refreshingly awake at the same time.

I apologise for the incoherence, I will set the scene.

I was on a normal night out at a club in Manchester, when something suddenly clicked and I had to go home. Why, I cannot tell you but there is one thing about me...when I know something, I know it.

I leave alone. I get into my car, and drive about 2 minutes of the 15 minute journey and that song i have highlighted above comes on.

For no describable reason I go into a complete mind fuck.

It's nothing to do with the song or anything the song represents, or is it!? I'm literally lost in my own cerebral cortex. The music just doesn't seem to go loud enough, i'm turning and turning the volume to horrific levels, yet nothing. I can't drive fast enough, my foot to the floor. I want to crash, just to feel something. There is a bridge coming up, one which i often contemplate driving off in my darkest moments. Yet, in typical TO fashion, someone has beat me to it and there's a roadblock with a hole where the fencing used to be.

This is equal to adding another several swinging couples to the orgy of a head fuck that's occurring. I start crying and screaming. I DON'T KNOW WHY. I never do either.

Imagine yourself right now...crying and screaming at the top of your lungs...driving at ridiculous speeds with the volume maxed to the point your speakers are struggling...and not knowing what the fuck is going on or why.

The only thing that scares me in this life is my own brain and what occurred tonight. There is a very fine line between genius and insanity. While not everyone will agree with the genius part, I feel I crossed that very line tonight. I felt inspired to write the most intense piece of writing of my life yet had strange feelings that border on suicidal at the same time.

Any of my close friends can tell you i'm 99% totally screwed on, yet tonight I lost myself in a swirling darkness that engulfed my entire being. Re-reading this is doing nothing but making me realise how crazy the last 10 minutes of my life really has been.

I must sound like i've been experimenting with drugs, I honestly wish I had been, at least then there would be some explanation. I must appear to be completely and utterly unstable. I'd argue to my death i'm not, but maybe I am. I am willing to admit that I am so scared because for the first time I feel naked and judged. People ask me how I can share the very darkest things of my life...It's never bothered me, until now.

Now this has been written I almost feel purged of my sins, despite not knowing what my sins are.

I have never been totally out of control of emotions before, this is completely surreal to me. The only way to describe it is feeling imprisoned in your own mind.

Judge and be judged. I'm going to collapse somewhere.



Monday, 13 July 2009

Choose A Different Ending

Found this advertised while watching MTV and was quietly impressed. It really is an innovative way to get a message across. It is an interactive YouTube game where you get to make choices and effect the outcome of this fictional character. Give it a shot and see what happens to you...word of advice, if you take the obviously correct routes then its not as much fun!



Saturday, 11 July 2009


Don't you wish that sometimes you could stop or slow down time and your life...?

I feel like this right now. I have spent the last 6 months of my life creating a brand new life for myself in the image of who I wanted to be. I have loved every second of this and have memories from this period that will last a lifetime.

Put simply, 2009 has been the best year of my life.

Not only have I been living the life of who I believe I truly am for the first time in a long time but recently I have been hit by metaphorical train being driven by a special person. This may seem strange because the very occurrence of the uncontrollable emotion of the latter contradicts the conscious effort of the former.

Then again I do lead a very contradictory life.

Im a very impatient person, yet I wish for nothing more than to stop time right now. I want to enjoy every second of the happiness I have been feeling for the last 6 months but also because that proverbial 'driver' will become quite unavailable soon.

This is crazy. Me, getting bent out of shape over someone. Me, having nothing to complain about. Me, wanting life to slow down.

I'm usually easy going. I'm usually moaning about someone. I'm usually living my life at 100mph. I guess this is why I feel so affected by this person. I think they just understand what makes me tick. They get me. They are the same. I think. But I usually don't go on thoughts, i like facts, so again contradictory to my personality.

I am struggling to even think of how to summarise, or even why i'm writing this. I guess I will just say. Be happy, you never know what or who is around the next corner and to enjoy every second of this life, ups and downs included.



Wednesday, 8 July 2009

I Hope There Is Room In Hell...

Isn't it funny how one thing, be it a book or a film etc, can change your view on life so rapidly. For many years I have always tried to be the nice guy when it came to women. I was always the one to answer my phone to a distress signal, to be considerate and kind.

I 'blame' this on my mother. Or you could say my father. Either way, while I was growing up my mother would do everything for me and my brother while working everyday, with no help for many years. I didn't realise this at the time but I believe this to be the reason I used to attracted to those girls in need.

That was until a reader of this site [Lebron Hater - KS ;) ] recommended this book as being hilarious. Now, i'm very open to suggestions but i'm also very cynical so I didn't expect much.

Wow. I now go out with a friend of mine ruthlessly mirroring this man and Tucker Max has become a verb to us meaning 'to be ruthless'.

I had heard all that nice guys finish last stuff and always thought i'd rather have my dignity. Well I changed my mind. And the shoes fit...for now.

It works. Women seem to respond to being treated badly. And the formula works in such a way that the kind of women affected by these actions deserve it. It also works as a protectionist tool for me personally, I know that any girl that manages to infiltrate the asshole barrier really cares about me and is really worth it.

Male chauvinism comes easier that you think. I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Two weeks into this epiphany and i've already mastered the art.

What do you think?



Friday, 3 July 2009

Start Of A Long Journey

My first ever official article was published today!

I wrote a piece on the 2009 Season Preview for the Atlanta Falcons, my American Football team of choice.

Let me know what you think.



Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Film Review: Year One

It was quite a surreal experience in itself going to the cinema at 4pm on a tuesday afternoon, but it got even weirder when we arrived and there were 6 people in the whole screening. Of these people, 2 were creepy old men that chose to sit directly behind me despite there being at least 100 empty seats.

Never the less i concentrated on the task in hand, Year One. I needn't have bothered. The filmed required less concentration that it took to aim my pee afterward.

This childish 'pee' joke mirrors nearly all of the biblical comedy within the film itself. Fart, excretion and urination jokes galore with only small amounts of Cera's improvised comedy providing the laughs. Ironically, the latter was funniest.

The film is by no means unwatchable and there are a few moments that should make one chuckle, but the standards expected from the stars on the screen and staff behind the camera will only lead to disappointment. It feels more like a collection of short skits rather than a flowing movie and one is often left feeling like they have missed out a scene or two (maybe the fault of post production editing?).

I'd give this film a paltry 5.9 out of 10. Above average (5) but not really worth paying to see.

Human Nature

The Greater Manchester 192 bus route from Piccadilly to Hazel Grove (where I happen to need to get too) is infamous around the country and even has its own wikipedia page (now that's impressive).

Unfortunately, this fame is completely negative and the amount of incidents on this route makes you wonder why there aren't sociologists on every trip studying human behaviour, it makes excellent viewing for students of human interaction like myself.

The bus route is mentioned in many books highlighting the fissures of 'Broken Britain', and is the first thing many people mention when talking about my home town of Stockport. To quote that very wikipedia page:

"According to the Stagecoach Group, the route is the busiest in Britain, with around 9 million passengers carried annually,[11] and GMPTE has designated the A6 as a quality bus corridor.[12] The 192 is also noted by Stagecoach as being a problematic bus route with regards to anti-social behaviour, and CCTV cameras were installed on them.[13]"

I have heard many stories including a 'person' (use the term lightly) attacking the bus driver while the bus was in motion at 6am, forcing the bus to crash into two shops on a high street.

However, I witnessed first hand the wrath of the 192 tonight. Ironically, a friend and I decided to go home early and get some grub on the way home and take it easy. Unfortunately, we never accounted for the turbulence that is the 192 at night.

One a quiet Tuesday night the last thing you would expect is a fight between young men trying to prove who is more unintelligent; the man fighting a group by himself and repeatedly returning for more despite being annihilated over and over, or the group of 'chavs' inflicting the punishment who were in custody of a baby child. At one point the mother of the baby ran to a friend and protested excitedly, "I JUST GOT HIT IN THE FACE HAHA, IM GOING BACK!!!".

I know what your thinking...nope the 1 braincell group managed to beat the 5 braincell guy. Although to be fair, the group probably had 6 braincells between them. Darwinism at its finest.

What was amazing is that from it all came a strengthening of the rest of the passengers. What had been a uninteresting journey for most became a source of discussion. Some members of the bus (older generations) used it as a example of why the country has "gone to pot" and I did hear "young ruffians" occasionally. Some used it to analyse lower class behavioural patterns ('toffs' from Marple). And then some saw the funny side and made jokes about a slightly surreal situation and the fact they now were delayed too much to get food from anywhere (us).

I'm hungry.
