I'm not usually into these fairytale style fantasies but the story moves with pace and is highly absorbing. One ponders many questions and like any good film, these seem to be answered minutes after this original thought.
One can tell this film is a book adaptation as the main story is the strongest aspect. The cinematic sequences are quite impressive for a medium to low budget film, and the relatively unknown cast have shot to stardom for their acting skills equally to their perfect looks.
The script could have been improved upon and some of the effects seem to be slightly unimaginative and cheap, but this is forgivable when the characters are so believable.
I'd rate this film at 8.1/10, which is even more impressive when considering that I was hesitant about even entertaining the idea of watching the film. Definitely enjoyable for most.
The book is so much better than the film, I'm a little disappointed with the film even though I can't stop watching it, it makes me laugh pretty much all the way through. I have read the books twice because I like them so much more and if you haven't read them then I would recommend it because they are much better. I am hoping that the second one will be better because the director is different. Even though Stephanie Mayer said that the Twilight film is just how she imagined it to be when she wrote it, I think the book is better and I agree that the film could be improved. =) (Sorry for the long rant..)