Nevertheless, swayed by the fact I was seeing the film at IMAX and the first few scenes being 3D I decided to jump on the Potter bandwagon.
The 3D scenes were incredible. They showed trailers for a up and coming animated remake of 'A Christmas Carol' starring Jim (I hate you) Carrey and it was simply amazing. Definitely the future of cinema. They have the ability to terrify audiences as they can make it appear the characters are touching you.
Very difficult to explain, but check it out. Although the glasses make you look ridiculous!
As for the actual film, I found some parts easy to remember from the books, but the general mood of the film is slightly lost if you haven't been keeping up and refreshed. There is relatively little action and when there is it somehow feels a little forced.
Maybe its just me but i can't help but burst out laughing when Dumbledore shouts "Get out your wand, Harry!".
There is also a sudden increase in the amount of love scenes in this film compared to the previous ones, to reflect the characters maturation towards adulthood. However, its all very tame as to appease those younger viewers, so like some other parts of the film, feels a little half hearted.
Harry Potter fans will enjoy it but it will be nobody's favourite. Never going to rock anyone's world but a nice way to spend 3 hours if theres very little on. I'd give the film a 7.2/10
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