Thursday, 24 September 2009

Extract of a Kiss

Ryan looked into her dark brown eyes. Like pools of chocolate they drew him closer, begging to be stared at. He looked at Scarlet, her hair cascading down like an avalanche of carnal desire. He knew that she hadn't spent long attending to it, and this only made her more appealing. She seemed to do nothing wrong in Ryan's eyes. He found this strange as he had spent a lifetime dissecting the women that had come into his life, finding faults to devoid his own happiness.
However, this girl was different. He could sense that. She seemed effortless. And made him feel effortless. Like he could truly be himself. But this had the unusual effect of ruining all the 'game' he had. But every time he appeared nervous, she just giggled.
Ryan put his hands tenderly on her shapely hips. He felt her sides. They felt as he imagined them to feel when he first saw her. Toned and defined yet still soft and curvaceous.
"I've waited all night for this embrace." he said as he held onto her protectively. "I wasn't sure of how you felt."
Scarlet looked at him with amusement. She knew from the moment they met she wanted to kiss him, but she couldn't help the gratification that came from seeing a man of such stature helpless for her.
"And what makes you think I feel anything?" she mumbled while desperately trying to disguise her glee. "I mean, are you sure I want to kiss you...?" she continued, worrying he would lose interest.
Ryan smirked, "who said anything about kissing? But good to know whats on your mind!"
Scarlet blushed, knowing the sexy mysterious facade was fading quickly. She had never been very good at flirting, but now more than ever, she wanted to woo this man.
Before she could even consider her next move Ryan used his surreptitious hands to firmly pull her closer. He did with such vigour it shocked her, but with such control his strength calmed her.
Scarlet's soft lips were exactly what Ryan had imagined, and her kiss was ten times better. Pressing firmly at first he gently softened the pressure to make the kiss linger, that way he knew Scarlet would feel butterflies as if kissed by the perfect man. He moved one hand from her waist and caressed her cheek and neck, causing shivers down her spine and goosebumps to form on her arms.
They both knew that this was the kind of kiss that was the beginning of something beautiful and their lives would somehow change.
As he pulled away, Ryan gazed into Scarlet's eyes. They were the most divine he'd ever seen. They were so innocent and inviting, he could stare for hours. As Ryan looked, he realised that he loved this girl. And this terrifying feeling was one of utter delight and sheer worry, combined. This girl had ventured somewhere no one had ever gotten near before. His heart. Scarlet had the power to make or break him, and the very fact she was unaware of this made this burning feeling even more intense.
Ryan took Scarlet by the hand and continued with the evenings festivities. They both felt an spreading warmth inside, a mischievous emotion, guessing that they knew something the other didn't. They however, felt exactly the same. They were falling love.

This is just an attempt by myself at fiction writing.



  1. That's one of the most amazing extracts I've ever seen. Keep it up TO
