The premise is simple. Adam Sandler plays a famous stand up comedian who is dying of a rare disease, only to be told his radical medicine is working and he has a second chance at life.
Sandler plays the role of a faltered star with redeeming lovable qualities well and portrays a character you both emphasize with and want to slap.
Seth Rogen continues to be type cast as a bumbling idiot, but not quite as idiotic as his friends. He plays this role fantastically well, but theres only so many times he can accept these types of films before people begin to want more from him.
Leslie Mann just simply annoys the hell out of me. She has a strange face which is attractive but completely not at the same time. And her very presence in yet another of her own husbands (Judd Apatow) films is enough to make me angry. Can she not get an acting job without his involvement? Same goes for their their paychecks just go back to him?!
As for the film, the length hurts it tremendously and while there are plenty of terrific stand up shorts that are full of great comedic content the rest of the film lacks any punch or quality to keep you from looking at your watch.
I'd rate this film a rather low 5.3/10. For me 5 says I don't resent using my time watching the film but wouldn't recommend. This is one of those times.
i was very upset with this film, i was expecting it to be a lot funnier considering the cast. i understand it was supposed to be a little more serious, but sandler should stick to comedy. and long is an understatement, three groups of people left our theatre about halfway through!