Friday, 29 January 2010

Why I Dont Want The New Orleans Saints To Win The Superbowl

The NFL. The Superbowl. The big game is fast approaching and the two titans of the regular season have beaten all those placed before them in the playoffs. On the 7th of February it will be Indiannapolis Colts vs New Orleans Saints. In recent years its been relatively easy picking an underdog team to support as a neutral. However, this one is different. New Orleans are the division rival of my beloved Atlanta Falcons. Very easy decision I hear you say? Well no actually. The Saints are actually a very likeable team. Their fans are one of the loudest and most accomodating, their colours are sharp and stylish and their style of play entertaining. Not to mention, the way the city dealt with Hurricane Katrina is admirable and heart warming. Real dilemma you see.

Well I have come to the conclusion, I will be supporting the Colts.

For me it comes down to several things:
  • Underdogs - I love an underdog, and going into this as rookies I see the Saints as the underdog BUT people are starting to say the opposite and I truly think the Saints are becoming the favourites. The tide seems to be turning too early before the game and I think come game day, people will be thinking the fresh looking Saints will have the edge because...
  • 2007 Giants complex - its something I think happens when a team ends up garnering ALL the neutrals support for whatever reason. In 2007, everyone wanted to see the Patriots perfect season dream fail, apart from the Patriots themselves of course. In Superbowl 42 everyone who wasnt a Pat wanted the Giants to win and its happening again for the Saints. I dont like it and its feeding the underdog aspect mentioned above.
  • Manning v Brady - I want it to be about performance NOT rings. I want Manning to get his second and hopefully a third and make the debate about performance and genuine QB play, not carrying a team. Sure they are both amazing QB's, but he's won more rings is not a valid argument and I want it to be wiped away for good.
  • Saints Fans - not all of them. But some of them have gotten VERY smug, VERY quickly. Fans who were previously well mannered and good for a conversation now chant WHO DAT everywhere. To a degree, I understand the excitement of reaching your first Superbowl, but some fans were down right unclassy after their win against the Vikings. Not to mention i'll hear the 'we won a superbowl' taunt everyday until the Falcons do it (which could be a LONG time) which leads me to my final point....
  • Bandwagonners - this may seem weird but the Colts won in 06 and they already have a large fanship. Id be disappointed to see another team get flooded with the cr@ppy bandwagon fans that just insult other teams and add to the problems in the point above. We need real, passionate fans that know the lows as well as the highs!
Let me hear your thoughts and who you're supporting come game day.


Thursday, 28 January 2010

High School Musical

Insomnia strikes. Bluergh.

Anyway, something I've noticed of late.

Life, post 21 years of age, is like high school reversed. The people who spent their high school lives being adored by many and terrorising classmates, now find themselves (admittedly according to 'Facebook') desperately unhappy about something different everyday. That or pregnant.

Then, at the opposite side of the spectrum, you have the geeks of the playground. Due to years of subject to either bullying or social exclusion, these guys actually did some work at school and boy is it paying off! These guys are well on their way to the best graduate jobs, earning the top money and hell, even some of them have blossomed into a deadly combination of brains and beauty. That or they're funny. Everyone knows to be funny you have to be clever and odd looking.

Finally, you have the middle runners. These guys flirted with both sides of my spectrum, and which ever they spent most of their time will dictate their future.

Personally, I did pretty well out of it. I wish someone would have sat me down as said "TO, if you sacrifice ALL this, in the future, the power you will gain from being more intelligent than all of these people you know will make you very happy" I would have jumped even further in the geek sqaud.

Knowledge is power people.


Sunday, 24 January 2010

Challenging Yourself

With it being the start (a bit late I know) of the new year I wanted to bring your attention to a post from 23rd August 2009 (wow, time flies). I discussed goals and ambition, and as with every prediction; some has changed, some is scarily close to the truth and most is cringeworthy.

Of the short term targets I have already achieved one and well on course for the other three. I have, however, noted the time scale for the medium and long need to be extended greatly, its a marathon not a sprint. Trying to achieve everything too quickly is a sure fire way to achieve nothing, good things come to those who wait, apparently.

So here are my updated targets, just for 2010:

  • Get a place on a Graduate Scheme
  • 5 Goals at the end of the season for D&C Athletic
  • Rent my first home
  • Visit a city I have never been before
  • See the Atlanta Falcons play
As you can see they aren't unreasonable but still quite testing and will require me to work hard to attain. Thats what all goals should be. For me, 2010 is a consolidation year. A year for me to continue to develop and build who I am so I can achieve more in the future.

You have to build the foundation before the house.


Sunday, 17 January 2010


Saw a great shout today!

Some Guy

Ryan Reynolds


Saturday, 16 January 2010

Pocahontas or Avatar!?

Found this starling revelation on a pretty cool film site:



Monday, 11 January 2010


Not for the first time i've been slack on posting. I've been busy in the new year with a few different projects and with my final year exams. Im still undecided as to continue with this blog or not but it will remain as a form of memory for those who have been a part of it and myself.
