The last 6 months of my life have honestly been some of the best.
I want to share a reminiscence with you, in thanks, to anyone that has taken the time to read and even more so comment. Thank You.
That's why i'm even more grateful for this blog; it has served to store all these fantastic memories and I now bring you the half way house film.....
The Last 6 Months In Film:
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Life Flashes By
5th Avenue,
Boyz II Men,
Knowsley Safari,
Friday, 26 June 2009
Turblent Thursday
I also woke up yesterday morning to find news that Farrah Fawcett had passed. I've never heard of her before and I can't say i shed a tear, but now i feel compelled to send her some love. R.I.P Farrah, you must be really mad up there that when the day of judgment arrived, MJ had to take your shine.

On a serious note, I played basketball yesterday too....but nodoby cares about that with all this MJ news :(
R.I.P Michael Jackson. R.I.P Farrah Fawcett. R.I.P My Basketball 'Skills'.
Farah Fawcett,
Michael Jackson,
Monday, 22 June 2009
The Art Of Hip-Hop
It frustrates me so much when people talk badly about something of which they know nothing about. This happens with almost everything in my life and I find myself defending the very things that I believe make me who I am.
The main thing in which people seem to underestimate in my life is, Hip-Hop. When I meet someone who likes Hip-Hop, it automatically creates a bond that seems unbreakable. If it's a girl. Wow. I start thinking of marriage. It is that rare to find someone who has a true understanding of the art of Hip-Hop. (Hannah Walmsley i'm waiting to make you my wife! haha)
I'm not the kind of person who listens to music as a past time because it chills me out. These are proper music lovers and I would never consider myself as part of that group. I listen to music to listen to what someone has to say, a message they have to portray. Something that can impress me or hype me up. I want lyrics not beats. This is why I listen to Hip-Hop the most of all genres. (Not that there are amazing beats in Hip-Hop!)
Hip-Hop satisfies my needs, the more intelligent and the more I can relate to it, the better. People often misinterpret the music and think they have nothing to relate to within the genre. This isn't true, you just have to work a little harder to see the symmetry and then it makes perfect sense.
Look at these lyrics from Ludacris' song 'War With God':
"I never claimed to be nothin' but who the fuck I amThere is so much information in those two lines that one can relate to. I break it down to the fact I'm me and nobody else. The best message anyone can portray. Then the second part states how I know I don't have to be a break the law to show you i'm going to be somebody and don't f*ck with me.
Never sold cocaine in my life, but I'm still the fuckin' man"
It's such a powerful statement coming from two lines...there's a whole song of this...then there's the rest of album...then there's the other Ludacris albums...then other artists. There are literally millions of songs with vital messages that makes it so easy to find something to relate to and a message to learn from.
Hip-Hop is the most intelligent form of music there is. You can tell me that playing instruments is difficult, but so is to tap into your mind and produce something worth saying that works and gives people hope and provides a message.
Don't use the b*tches and h*es rap to hide behind because we all know that 50 Cent isn't saying anything worth hearing, but that isn't true Hip-Hop. This is the kind of thing that perfectly demonstrates what i'm talking about:
Open your hearts as well as your ears.
Chris Rock,
Film Review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
5ft from a 100ft by 75ft screen...I had to turn my head to see action at one side of the screen. While this is a teachnological wet dream, I don't understand the point of having rows that close to the screen, I still have a head ache 5 hours later.
Therefore, its important to consider this may have impaired my experience a little and I want to watch the film again at IMAX but sat as far back as possible and again at a normal cinema.
That being said, I agree with the reviews given by mainstream media. The film is definitely bigger. But that is not always better. The explosions are huge, fight scenes long and SFX intense. Its as if Michael Bay ('director'....hmmmm) has just told the SFX department to take acid and fill the screen with metal. Comparisons can be drawn to a bodybuilders intense growth using steriods despite the obvious detriment to the genital area.
The film is nothing if not spectacular and moments will make you wonder where they have been hiding such amazing technology but it all seems to come at the cost of a believeable storyline and making the viewer feel like they have been through a washing machine by the end.
I'd rate this film as around 7.4 out of 10 and thats only because i'm a massive Transformers fan. Still a must watch because of the awesome SFX but dont expect to leave with a grin.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
The trip has been delayed till Sunday!
Transformers released a new trailer!
Youtube has cancelled embedding for this trailer so its got to be a link i'm afraid...this trailer shows the comedy side a little more!
Go and see this film!
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
So Excited for Friday I May Pee!
The title says it all!
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - New Trailer!
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - New Trailer!
Dreams Come True?
As inspiration strikes, I'll pick up my keyboard and scrawl my tired thoughts across this screen. Last night I had a dream and from what I can remember it was very simple but also monumental.
The Dream
I am older, mid-twenties, I'm at a friends house party and I wonder outside to see a female friend of mine, who I have always had a crush on, sat on the wall outside. What began as a normal scene started changing as a spoke to her. What originated as a night scene became the day with the most beautiful of sunrises behind her head. We spoke and clicked looking directly into each others eyes and everything made sense. Her hair fluttered in front of her brow due to the soft breeze, perfectly contrasting the light coming from behind her face. I stroked the brown hair away from her eyes and whispered, "you are so beautiful". I touched her cheek with my hand and gently pressed my lips against hers and the world stopped spinning.
This is when I woke and my chest ached to be back asleep and again in that moment. For some reason at that very moment I felt I had to tell someone. I texted one my closest friend and shared a laugh at my expense, but that was exactly what I needed. I calmed myself and began thinking logically. I knew exactly who the dream was about, but as I type this I begin to wonder. Am I crazy? Am I trying to persuade myself its wasnt, or am I persuade myself it was.
The questions posed by this dream have dominated my day. Am I happy that what was once a subconscious emotion has finally dawned? Or am I crippled by the fact that I don't think there is anything I can do about it and I can't tell this girl? Its such a beautiful, yet cold feeling.
I've spent months to get to this point of freedom, feeling completely at ease and not needing this kind of emotion and i'm extremely happy. But at the same time I want this moment for real, so badly it actually hurts. But then the very fact I'm saying this is making me question whether I'm insane, if she read this would she be scared? or find it sweet? or even possibly reciprocate?
As you can tell, I went to sleep with no questions and very happy, and I awoke to a million of them and totally confused. Another close friend says it happens all the time, I admire his honesty, but it made me feel like I don't want it to.
Do I want to dream the same again?
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Send Atem Some Love
Just a quick shout out to a good friend of mine from college who has set up his own blog. Hes an awesome photographer and a very artistic person so i'm expecting a lot from Mr. Sexual (aka Atem).
Find his Blog here -
People really should be expressing themselves more!
Good Luck Atem!
Monday, 15 June 2009
Look-a-like!? - (Ed Helms & Christopher Mintz-Plasse)
During the showing of 'The Hangover', my friend and I couldnt help but think that the character Stu (Ed Helms) had to be the biological father to the newly famous young actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse, who can be found in films like Role Models & Superbad.

What do you guys think!?
What do you guys think!?
Film Review: The Hangover
Todd Phillips directed another comedy favourite of mine in 'Old School' and this is definitely better. The script delicately balances the line between crude humour and great film making. The soundtrack is of a high standard which ironically is lost because you spend your time laughing at the joke just gone, yet it still manages to have a positive effect.
This movie perfectly taps into the Man-crush/Bromance theme thats in social networks currently and you can't help be feel part of the group and feel involved in this laugh a minute ride. The film is geniunely gripping and while very little happens you want it continue and never end.
The best comedy since Anchorman - 9.0/10
PS. stay for the credits :D
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Potentially Dangerous
Forgive me as this is a quick post before i head on out to catch a movie, inspiration struck.
I want to steal a quote from a friend of mine called Coops.
"It doesn't matter what you do, or where you are going; who you've been, or who you want to become, as long as you are what you are because you chose to be that way and you always stayed true to what you believe. As long as you spent your days chasing after moments that take your breath away then you've not wasted this life you were given."I read this last night and it literally made me feel something. I think that this segment is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read on the internet, and her modesty only makes it more appealing.
This got me thinking of the potential we all have to move and affect people all around us; positively and negatively. I think we all take for granted just how much of an impact we make on the social environment around us. Some because they lack the confidence to say and act how they truly feel. Some fear the reprisal of the actions. And some simply don't want to interact.
This does not change the fact that we impact each other in thousands of ways everyday. From the man in the shop you say thank you, never knowing that made his day. From the girl you smile at that special way, never realising how she feels about you. To the hurtful thing you say to the one you care for, never realising the pain.
Words are just my medium. There are many ways in which to express emotions and affect those around you.
Dance. Song. Speech. Sport. Poetry. Story-Telling. Writing.
I urge you all to think about what you have to offer this world, and utilise that feeling. Somebody cares, and somebody will watch or listen. This era of social networking is the perfect environment to find like minded individuals who make you feel valued and help build an identity for yourself.
"To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth... is potentially to have everything"
Joan Didion
Joan Didion
Saturday, 13 June 2009
The Perfect Woman
My Perfect Woman:
- Sometimes wears Caps backwards and likes wearing hats.
- Enjoys watching American sports.
- Doesn't mind sharing me with my laptop.
- Agrees with Ludacris that "Once more we leaves em' dead, we want lady in the street, and a freak in the bed".
- Loves sitting in sweat pants, watching films and laughing.
- Will take a joke of one of my mates and send it back twice as good.
- Enjoys watching me play Football (Soccer).
- Will feed my ego but tell me to shut the f**k up when i'm being a d**k.
- Loves comedy.
- Understands that Hip-Hop isn't just about b*tches and h*es.
- Gets ridiculously excited about the smallest of things but...
- Doesn't follow the hype with everything unless its truly deserved.
- Understands man-crushes aren't homosexual and respects the man-crush.
- Doesn't need constant reassurance about her looks and can sit there makeup-less and know i think shes hot.
Is Vick Just Too Sick?
This man Michael Vick was once heralded by some as the most exciting man to watch in American sports and the 10-year; $130 million contract he signed in 2005 reflect this and the level of faith his team showed in him.
However, after several isolated incidents it arose in 2007 that Vick was, outside of football, the leader of a dog fighting ring under the guise of 'Bad Newz Kennels'. Vick and his associates bred dogs and then forced them to fight each other to the death and gathered crowds to bet on the outcome. Seeing as Vick was one of the highest paid sports stars in the world at the time it's easy to say this wasn't about the money.
It gets worse. The dogs that were deemed to be underdeveloped or did not meet the targets for a fighting dog were brutally tortured and then executed. It is believed they used these methods to avoid creating attention from gunshots so some were beaten to death, some suffocated or drowned.
If you wish to read more (there is a lot) about this case then the details can be found here.
Vick was given the longest sentence of all those charged at 23 months federal imprisonment followed by 3 years of probation. It got worse for Vick as he was cheated financially by two seperate lawyers and he had to file for bankruptcy on July 7, 2008 as he owed his team and several banks money.
Vick was released from prison on May 20, 2009. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has said he will consider lifting his suspension. Vick has reportedly exercised while in prison and eagerly anticipates a return to the NFL.
This creates the dilemma that many argue and a question that i wish to pose to you. After reading the story, does Michael Vick deserve a second chance?
Firstly a video with exactly what he can do well:
But given all the negatives that obviously surround him, should he be allowed to compete again and command giant salaries that reflect his ability but contrast his demeanor?
Several other prominent sports stars such as basketballer, Stephon Marbury, have come out to defend Vick. It is important to remember Vick comes from a poor background in the Southern American states where dog fighting is a normal activity. Other defenders of Vick state that he was excessively punished due to his celebrity status and was made an example of by a harsh judge. Others simply say that Vick has served his sentence and he should be free to return, within the law, to his previous life free from judgement.
I personally feel that the emotionless character necessary for someone to carry out such acts on such loyal and intelligent animals as dogs means that Vick is unlikely to change deep down. The traits that allowed him to carry out such activities are almost impossible to shift and are deeply embedded.
However, i do believe in second chances and the right to move on after serving a prison sentence deemed fair by a court of law. BUT i also believe due to the nature of Vick's life before the prison sentence he should not be allowed to once again play in the NFL as an American Footballer. He isn't an average guy and the money he earned reflected that. When one is in the public eye and a role model to thousands of kids one should not be allowed to just return to how things were after committing such atrocities.
I want to know what you readers think. Leave a comment and a name with your views!
American Football,
Michael Vick
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Quickie with TO
I'm off out but I wanted to share this quick preview of Michael McIntyre in Manchester as i'm going to see him later in the year...:
Michael McIntyre,
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
A to Zzzzzzz
In fact these are the posts I wanted to do but felt that ensuing judgment would be too harsh, but i haven't slept at all tonight so f**k you.
I can hear the birds songs. I can hear the world around me coming to life. The beautiful sunrise piercing through the curtains like a warm dagger that signals what I had feared. I'm not going to sleep tonight. I try desperately to free my brain of the unnecessary thoughts but every time my head comes to rest the wheel begins to spin again. The redundant feeling of quitting the attempts to sleep is actually rather comforting as you know that even though you will feel terrible the whole of the next day, you don't have to try anymore.
It was at this moment, it clicked that this is what I want to do. This is me. This is who I am. I want to write. And i shall. For who and what are questions that can be answered later. But for one short moment there was clarity born from complete and utter frustration.
This whole post is completely insomnia induced and for all I know could be complete rubbish. However, right now, deluded or not, it makes sense. I don't know whether I'm alone in this revelation or whether others understand. I hope that others do find a sense of satisfaction in believing in their calling and their natural ability.
Monday, 8 June 2009
The Age of Discontent
Serious post alert.
If you came to see a video of self induced vomiting or Adam talking about his Man crush, go to just about any other post. This is a somber one.
Money keeps us up at night, unless you have plenty then it keeps you up because your probably spending it. Last night i couldn't sleep worrying about my overdraft.
There are no jobs in this barren wasteland of an economy, i even got turned down by a terrible workplace I don't wish to name...pre-interview. Yes, the economy is so bad that we now don't bother seeing a potential employee face to face anymore. I have been offered every job i've ever been interviewed for, as you can tell i'm proud of this. But how is a guy who is all about face-to-face interaction supposed to get a job in a labour market that won't even waste interviews on any sorry soul?
This only seems to mirror the sad, lonely feeling currently pulsing through my body as I have no job, no University (till September for my final year) and no money to do anything but write. I guess it could be a blessing in disguise, or it could be your worst nightmare. I think it may be time to either start writing my book, or turn to Buddhism...or both.
The past few days I have spent more time with my family than ever and it has made me realise that this is a good path to follow. I have never had a stable family until now and so its all new to me. Until now, I have never had little toddlers and babies around and it's freshing to see such innocence that remains unaffected by the harsh realities of the outside world.
It comes down to this. I feel old. I know im not, but i feel it. I'm going to be 21 in a matter of months and already young scamps are questioning my presense in nightclubs! I don't look old, quite contrare, i occasionally get ID'd. However, i'm past the point of carelessness. Even though i pretend, i'm further past that point than i'm comfortable with. I'm a no worries kind of guy, but they are creeping into my life and i just don't like it.
If i start acting strange and doing things that don't make sense, take a second and remember this, I will probably be trying to recapture my youth at the tender age of 21...
Film Review: Terminator Salvation
If you couldn't tell, my life has currently been reduced to absolute boredom and trips to the cinema with male friends...not even female friends let alone dates.
Nevertheless, as a film geek I am enjoying myself and this was a film I had been looking forward to for some time. I have to admit i was left slightly disappointed. The films clearly aimed at a much younger audience with very little blood, no swearing and you can't help but feel maybe they were thinking about gaming console sales when discussing plot lines.
That being said, the action is relentless and some of the effects are awesome. The idea could have been expanded but I feel they kept it simple for a younger, Hollywood era audience.
My review would give this film a rating of 6.5/10. Plenty of unfulfilled potential.
Oh and I mentioned I did indeed get very over excited at the Transformers 2 trailer.......again.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Film Review: Star Trek

Tonight, my friends and I visited our local cineplex to watch a film. Now those of you that know us will know that out of the group of four, I love nearly all types of cinema, Gareth hates all types of cinema, Adam loves comedies but any other genre has to create an epic film to satisfy him and PJ watches Hannah Montana, enough said.
So as you can tell I often struggle when confronted with a movie going trip with these guys...after much delibration (and persuation) we settled on Star Trek above Terminator 4 and *sighs* 12 Rounds.
Here is the laymans review with scores out of 10 from the group:
My personal review of the film would contain the words...i hope that Russian 'actor' never works again. Other than that I enjoyed the film even if it was a little long. J.J Abrams left his mark with unbelievable CGI effects and fast paced plot lines. The first Hollywood film I have watched in a while that required some brain activity to process, which was surprisingly pleasant. While a lot seems to happen, at the same time with it being carried out in space at warp speed one can't help be left feeling like it hasn't.
I'd give this film an 8.8/10
I have to say that I'm probably being harsh in my assessment due to the unachieveable heights I was raised to by the Transformers 2 trailer that graced the advertisement section that made me scream with excitement in a packed out cinema....*sighs again* theres nowhere but dissapointed for me to go with that film.
Oh and the night wouldnt have been complete without Adam creating his own creature that consists of Wolverines physique, John Cenas hand waving, Spocks 'V' and Transformers movement:
Please comment with your views!
Saturday, 6 June 2009
"Pick a word for me to write about..." - "Breasts"
Breasts - n.
- Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.
- A corresponding organ in other mammals.
- A corresponding rudimentary gland in the male.
- The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.
- A corresponding part in other animals.
- The part of a garment that covers the chest.
- The seat of affection and emotion: “Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast” (Shakespeare).
- A source of nourishment.
- Something likened to the human breast: the breast of a hill.
- The face of a mine or tunnel.
Where do i begin? Well we all know the primary function of breasts are the nurturing and dispertion of milk via lactation (right!?). The sexual role of breats cannot be understated, (hehe im so pleased the random selector picked this word) the role of breasts in human females lives has vastly evolved and stands much higher than most other animals. The breast demonstrates a visual sign of fertility and maturity which is often competely unconcious, this is usually the scientific explanation of when men say the bigger the better. The Kama Sutra even has the marking and indentation of the bussom with nails as erotic (Glad i've never bothered with that stupid pointless book....).
Feminists have argued that examples of breast fetishism have been found going back to the neolithic era, with the shrines in ancient Turkey. Archaeological excavations have revealed that the walls of the shrine(s) were adorned with disembodied pairs of breasts that appeared to have "an existence of their own". It has been argued that the breasts were revered by the women as instruments of motherhood.
The reverence shown to breasts also appears in the science of today's modern civilization. Breast fetishism is claimed to be an example of a contagious thought/expression (or meme - very interesting topic i will be discussing in the future) that quickly spreads throughout society, and that breasts are mainly bio-semiotic features (study of visual signs in biology) that have evolved to influence human sexuality rather than serve an exclusive maternal function.Legally, many Western legal systems believe the public display of women's breasts to be indecent exposure (Boo!). However, there are activist groups such as the Topfreedom movement who have been successful in persuading courts to overturn such laws (Yay!) on the basis of sex, arguing that a woman should be free to expose her chest in any context in which a man can expose his (i hear people across the nation saying "True Dat!").
Topless sunbathing has also become a mainstream accepted activity, adding weight to the claims that women should have the right to choose themselves whether they wish to be topless (Amen Brother!).
Breasts shoud be celebrated, no matter size or join me in raising a glass to toast the beautiful breasts in the world, we all love a good "face of a mine or a tunnel"!!!
Wow should get some extra hits from people 'accidently' finding this post on Google search...i only hope they stay and enjoy the read
Friday, 5 June 2009
Thai, Blue Tits, Suction Hoover, Breast Augmentation & Threesome of Friends
I feel the first thing i should do is explain the title. I was pointed in the direction of a new piece of software by Nobby Nutkins (his excellent and hilarious blog - that tells me where people have clicked onto my site and where they left to, this excellent program is highly arousing to someone like me and I get excited when i see that people in Florida, Kenya, Sweden, Massachusetts and Canada read my blog.
However, this is slightly short lived when i see that someone from Bayern in Germany found my site using google to search 'Hookers'...(see previous article on such topic). I can only hope this person found my article entertaining and informative...although one wonders whether this is the kind of material he was after, hmmmm.
Anyway, in a shameless attempt to recruit more international traffic i decided to name this topic after harmless things that might provoke such google searches....lets see what happens! And to be fair last night was a little messy and i don't really think there are any words to describe the videos i'm about to post...lets just say Adam had a shocker...must have been the Whisky my mother gave him beforehand.
Theres only 4 really short videos, so give them a watch and PLEASE COMMENT! :D
Bear was very angry, but Adam only wanted to sell himself:
And continued to embarrass himself:
We then reached a takeaway to try and sober him up:
But this only lead to confrontation:
5th Avenue,
Thursday, 4 June 2009
EU Voting
Many voting for these people have no idea of their policies and while it's understandable that people don't wish to vote for mainstream parties there are other choices.
Green Party -
Liberal Democrats -
Please get down and vote, and make a difference. At the same time please vote responsibly and take a second to learn who exactly you are voting for.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Musical Chairs
Ever wondered how some music seems to sound the same....thats because it does.
This is a collection of sounds that have been mashed by a group of techies called Norwegian Recycling. It includes:
1. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
2. The Killers - When You Were Young
3. Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
4. Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
5. Empire Of The Sun - Walking On A Dream
6. Muse - Starlight
7. Hellogoodbye - All Of Your Love
Its amazing what humans are capable of:
This is a collection of sounds that have been mashed by a group of techies called Norwegian Recycling. It includes:
1. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
2. The Killers - When You Were Young
3. Kelly Clarkson - Because Of You
4. Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer
5. Empire Of The Sun - Walking On A Dream
6. Muse - Starlight
7. Hellogoodbye - All Of Your Love
Its amazing what humans are capable of:
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Another Friendly BBQ

A quiet day in the life of followed by a BBQ and ball sports in Nightwear's garden. Not that much to report other than i hope that everyone is making the most of this weather before it dissipates into what is called in this country....the summer.
Something in the terrible steaks we ate made me and Adam (Dick) become somewhat obsessed with altering our clothing.
Good luck to Nightwear on your hot date!
Something in the terrible steaks we ate made me and Adam (Dick) become somewhat obsessed with altering our clothing.
Good luck to Nightwear on your hot date!
Monday, 1 June 2009
Stockport Beer and Cider Festival 2009
Wow where do i begin. This occasion at Edgeley Park, home of the mighty Stockport County, has a lot of strange allure, its good fun but it shouldn't be.
We went down not expecting a lot, and boy were we not disappointed. The drinks were disgusting, actually, disgusting. There is a reason you can't buy them outside of Somerset... We drunk a 10.3% stout called 'Ring of Fire' (its made with chillies) and nearly vomited...the cider while tasting okay, smelt like Adams sock after a hard spin class...the 'Rest in Peace' strong beer and 'Outstanding Blond' weak beer were equally disturbing.
Despite this we had a great time and want to go again! I actually cannot tell you why...
and the famous 'Ring of Fire'...
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