Serious post alert.
If you came to see a video of self induced vomiting or Adam talking about his Man crush, go to just about any other post. This is a somber one.
Money keeps us up at night, unless you have plenty then it keeps you up because your probably spending it. Last night i couldn't sleep worrying about my overdraft.
There are no jobs in this barren wasteland of an economy, i even got turned down by a terrible workplace I don't wish to name...pre-interview. Yes, the economy is so bad that we now don't bother seeing a potential employee face to face anymore. I have been offered every job i've ever been interviewed for, as you can tell i'm proud of this. But how is a guy who is all about face-to-face interaction supposed to get a job in a labour market that won't even waste interviews on any sorry soul?
This only seems to mirror the sad, lonely feeling currently pulsing through my body as I have no job, no University (till September for my final year) and no money to do anything but write. I guess it could be a blessing in disguise, or it could be your worst nightmare. I think it may be time to either start writing my book, or turn to Buddhism...or both.
The past few days I have spent more time with my family than ever and it has made me realise that this is a good path to follow. I have never had a stable family until now and so its all new to me. Until now, I have never had little toddlers and babies around and it's freshing to see such innocence that remains unaffected by the harsh realities of the outside world.
It comes down to this. I feel old. I know im not, but i feel it. I'm going to be 21 in a matter of months and already young scamps are questioning my presense in nightclubs! I don't look old, quite contrare, i occasionally get ID'd. However, i'm past the point of carelessness. Even though i pretend, i'm further past that point than i'm comfortable with. I'm a no worries kind of guy, but they are creeping into my life and i just don't like it.
If i start acting strange and doing things that don't make sense, take a second and remember this, I will probably be trying to recapture my youth at the tender age of 21...
I've been thinking about this kind of thing as well, and it's why i'm against uni... anyone can get into uni, there's hundreds of courses to choose from, so everyone can do something they like, and then you come out of it with a degree (anyone can get one of them) and tens of thousands in debt. University should be prestigous, and incredibly hard to gain entry to, and then once you're in (obviously very smart) you don't get loans, you get grants. (This is almost the Green Party's policy on university)
ReplyDeleteAs for the economy, The recent "recesion" or "Economic crisis" in my opinion, has been very carefully engineered by the elite central bankers. They can single handedly bring the world's economy down to it's knees, and spread their fear and propaganda through the mainstream tv channels which they control. I hear you say "why would they want to do that?" They have all the money in the world (literally) so they aren't after that. These People want control of the entire population, and to practically rule the world. They are evil scum, and they can do all this by crushing the world's economy, destroying the hope and faith of society, as well as people's financial stability and security, to the point where they can do what the hell they want with us. It's absolutely disgusting, and it's exactly why i got made redundant, and why you can't find work. I struggled to get work, i can't tell you how many CVs i gave out, and the only place that got back to me was a small family run pub where i work now.
This is EXACTLY what people need to wake up to, don't believe the bullshit on TV or in the newspapers, and find the TRUTH about why we are in such a mess, and why our lives are going down the shitter. The sooner everyone wakes up, the sooner we can fight back and save ourselves!
I have a job :D
ReplyDeleteAdam i have a job, its just unpaid, its looking after you...i do it for charity :P